Monday, 15 October 2012

DTP Day 17.

Good morning everyone. Today is Day 17 of the DTP program. We'll be doing Chest and Back. I woke up really early today, hoping to hit the gym at 7am but as soon as I stepped out of the shower, I realized that the roads are wet and in a distant, thunders can be heard. So not wanting to get soaked like two days ago, I decided to start eating really early instead.

So now, I will only start my workout right after work, sometime around 6 pm.

Yesterday was my cardio training and just a month ago, I can't run for nuts. I was so unhealthy, I often pass funny jokes at my friends who jogs during their lunch breaks. Now, things are different. I'm now one of those guys who goes jogging during my lunch break. Totally ironic.

My cardiovascular health has increased tremendously. I ran non stop (most of the journey was uphill at Imbiah Trails, Sentosa) and completed the run by 25 minutes. I need to get my bodyfat percentage down to 10% or less to achieve that greatly anticipated Six Pack. As soon as I get money for more supplements, I'll get some CLA and a fat burner as well.

In the upcoming posts, I'll share with you what I intend to buy from

Have a great week ahead!

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